Our philosophy

At Rastas Naturales Dreadshop we realized long time ago something very important:


We try to be consistent with the way we think and live, that’s why we are replacing our online store catalog with ethical products, working with artisans, local producers and companies that respect the environment, until we can offer you only ethical products, made with affection and love for your dreadlocks.



We carefully choose our suppliers, we know the origin of the products and the processes followed until they reach our hands, we avoid products made under unworthy working conditions, and we set on products that are animal cruelty free, sustainable and made with materials with a low impact on our planet, supporting in that way a controlled production that cares for biodiversity.


We don’t want to be the cheapest ones on the market because that would imply that we would have to demand outrageously low prices from the artisans with whom we work, or bring a product made in very distant countries where working conditions are bad, in addition to the environmental cost that it would have to bring it here.


To guarantee that we are buying ethical products, we prioritize local and artisanal productions or, if we don’t find that product, we look for it in countries with strict and fair working conditions.



We like what we do, we give ourselves the pleasure of selling and creating what we like and moves us, in the way that seems most coherent to us and choosing with whom we want to start walking together with each new product that we offer in our online shop.


We sell all kinds of accessories and beads for dreadlocks, which last over time, generate the least waste possible and which in their production take into account the craftsman, the planet, and of course, you.


We would like that our way of selling makes you rethink your way of consuming, analyzing what you really need, how and why.


We want to be useful for people who try to wear their dreads in a more respectful way with their environment, people who rethink their way of consuming and apply guidelines for responsible consumption, support local commerce, care for sustainability, people who look for an ethical fashion, and we hope that our products help them to define themselves, to be themselves.



Yes, it seems a cliche in people with dreadlocks, but this philosophy reminds us that we shouldn’t set money and the material before people. What does this mean in practice?


Well, for example, we respect you and your time. There’re people who have to ask for a free day at work, reorganize family tasks, move other events, etc., so if you have made an appointment with us on a specific day, at a specific time, we will be there for you.


Also that we aren’t going to put before earning money and makes you a botched job. Most commonly is that many people want to get dreadlocks when their hair isn’t long enough yet, so there is a high risk that the dreadlocks will open after a few days, or that dreadlock extensions fall out if you wear them. In these cases, we prefer to tell you in all sincerity that you would be throwing your money away. Our honesty is a form of respect for you and for the effort you have made, both financially and in time.



We understand the world as a place of connections and bridges, that’s why we collaborate with associations and NGOs such as Childsrights, which fights child poverty in India, as well as other associations working for animal rights, such as El Rebrot de la Vida, the Sociedad Valenciana Protectora de Animales y Plantas, or El Jardinet de l’Estació, among other.


We also keep in touch with other dreadmakers around the world, exchanging knowledge, helping each other or sharing experiences.


In addition, and although it may seem obvious to say it, our prices include the V.A.T. costs and we don’t have our headquarters in a tax haven. We understand that working ethically also implies contributing to the common good through taxes.


We try to be consistent with our philosophy of life also through our work.