dreadlocks Tag

Huge Dreadhat - 2 sides - reversible new stock at the shop. Comfortable and warm for dreadheads! 2 sides: black and brown/grey mixed 100 % acrylic yarn Now available in our Online-Shop and in our Dreadshop in Vienna, Schönbrunner Straße 82. ...

A few days ago we made a new maintenance session for Sabrina. Rastas Naturales made her dreads with synthetic hair (kanekalon) one year and a half ago. You can check the new dreads picture in this post. In this maintenance session we repair the roots, separate some of...

Rastas Naturales made Oliver´s dreadlocks almost two years ago. Since then, we did the maintenance from time to time. This time we fix the roots and new make about 3-4 centimeter, on the new is growing since last maintenance session. Here you could also check Oliver´s dreadlocks development...

El pasado mes de mayo "re"-hicimos las rastas de Sarah (http://goo.gl/2lyn0x). Esta semana hacemos el primer arreglo de raíces y fijamos las conexiones de las extensiones que instalamos en mayo. ¡Además Sarah elige una extensión "arcoiris" para dar un toque de color a sus rastas! ...