Dreadlocks in Summer: 3 Tips That Everyone Should Know

Dreadlocks in Summer: 3 Tips That Everyone Should Know

Summer is here and the care we take of our dreadlocks in this season will be reflected in the next few months, that’s why we from Rastas Naturales would like to share with you 3 tips to make your dreads look wonderful, wether on the beach or in the pool or wherever you’re going this summer.

1. Wash the dreadlocks after the pool.

The swimming pool is one of the favorite places to withstand the hot summer heat, however, the maintenance and cleaning of pools requires the use of high doses of chemicals, such as chlorine. These products can damage our hair and our scalp, so it’s very important that just after leaving the pool, or as soon as possible, we wash the dreadlocks to remove any residual chlorine or other products that may remain. For most dreadheads a simple wash with soap and water is enough.

2. Dry the dreadlocks well before to go to bed.

Either because we wash our hair at home, because we play sports and sweat a lot, because we take a shower in the gym or because we’re going swimming on the beach or in the pool, our dreadlocks get wet many times during the summer. Is this a problem? Not at all! In fact, sea water is good for your dreadlocks as the salt helps to tighten loose locks. But there is a golden rule: Don’t go to sleep never with dreadlocks still wet or damp. Otherwise they could smell and you could even have some problems on the scalp.

The best way to get your dreadlocks dry on hot summer days it’s to air-dry them, but if you need to dry them faster, better use a towel and absorb the water with small “touchs” to your dreads, but never rubbing them, because you could damage the dreads. You can also blow-dry your dreads but not your roots, because you could damage your scalp. If after using the towel your roots are still dump, try to use the hairdryer but with the cold (or room-temperature) mode.

3. Keep your dreadlocks safe from intense Sun’s UV rays.

If you’re in the sun, specially at the time when the sun is at its highest, you should cover your head, because even if you put suncreme all over your body, your scalp get unprotected because of the shape of your roots. To avoid a sunburn in your scalp, the best you can do it’s to use a hat or a headband.

And that’s it! Following these three tips, your dreadlocks and you will look great this summer. Enjoy it!

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